Ecowings footprints in International Green Festival, organized by Karma Konsum, Germany :
Hi Folks !!
The two day Karma Konsum Green Festival was a great hit and Ecowings inspired thousands of people to adopt green living and sustainable life style. During the exhibition Ecowings exhibited its eleven products including, Mac Book Cases, I-pad Cases, Laptop/Messenger Bags, Wallets, Convertible Pouches and many others. Ecowings also informed people about the Upcycling and recycling process and shared the current global climatic changes and the harms of burning tires. At the same people showed a great amount of enthusiasm and inclination towards the Upcycled products and did several interactions to understand the environmental problems. Ecowings also interacted with many other environment passionate people and talked about the possible future sustainable collaborations to make greater difference.

During the exhibition the brand lovers also expressed their emotions and views about the Ecowings and its product range. Ecowings also got influenced from Christoph Harrach, Founder of Karma Konsum and discussed about the global trends and current needs in Europe of sustainable products.
Probably in future Ecowings new product range will be more user oriented and focused to a specific target group to satisfy the global needs and design interventions will be based on more trend forecasting and current scenarios.
Happy green living !!
Ecowings Design Team :)